
Ch. Conundrum Rambling Blues, CG, CGC
Br. Ch. Otterkin Blue Bayou Conundrum X Conundrum Soliloquy

We were delighted to learn that Mrs. Jane Parker of Conundrum Border and Cairn Terriers was expecting a litter sired by Jane’s and Kathy Wilkinson’s (of Otterkin Border Terriers) exceptional dog, “Ethan”, and was willing to work with us on importing Kirby to the U.S.  Ethan is the holder of 11 challenge certificates (cc’s are the wins necessary [3] to obtain a British championship), was the top U.K. Border Terrier of 2002, and the Best of Breed at Crufts 2003.
Kirby goes BOW for 2 points at the Terrier Club of Michigan show in Detroit, March 18, 2005 ~~ His first major was under reknown Judge Edd Bivin.
Kirby celebrates his (1st) birthday weekend by qualifying in Intro to Quarry at the Madison Area Dachshund Club’s Earthdog Test on September 5, 2004 in Roscoe, Illinois.
(w/ED Judge Jim Moore)
KirbyAWTA1 On October 12, 2010, Kirby earned his Certificate of Gameness from the American Working Terrier Association in Roscoe, Illinois.
Kirby finished his AKC championship going BOW for a 3-pt major at the Waukesha Kennel Club show in Waukesha, WI on July 29, 2007
A headshot of Kirby

More about Kirby:
*Kirby’s Littermate sister, IR CH Conundrum Whole Lotta Rosie
at Comberdown took Best of Breed at Crufts 2006!
*Kirby’s son (out of Ch. Ketka’s Kelsea of Brentwood) became a Canadian
champion in May 2006, with group placements to his credit!
*Kirby has passed all the health clearances recommended by the Border Terrier Club of America (hips, patellas, cardiac, eyes, and a bonus — elbows).
Kirby passed the AKC Canine Good Citizen test at the Old Fort Cluster
show in Ft. Wayne, IN on November 4, 2006.
I can’t say enough about how much I love this dog!  He has the most amazing coat (forget what you’ve heard about blues being related to difficulties of any kind — it’s only a color!) that is very forgiving of missing a grooming — just pick up where you left off, and it will come ’round for you.  He has a rock solid temperament: gentle as a kitten with new puppies, and just loves it when they are old enough to play and socialize in the kitchen with him.  He absolutely adores my toddler grand-daughter — so much so, she calls ALL Border Terriers “Kirby Dogs”.  He’s a mama’s boy, but fully ready to be a “guy dog”, as game as they come, and never met another dog he didn’t like.
~~ no more boys — for now! ~~